Project News

June 4
Complex systems in ecology: a guided tour with large Lotka–Volterra models and random matrices.

Matthieu Barbier, co-PI of the "Open-ended evolution and organizational closure" project, contributed to the Proceedings of the Royal Society A article, "Complex systems in ecology: a guided tour with large Lotka–Volterra models and random matrices."

May 30
Utilizing developmental dynamics for evolutionary prediction and control

Tobias Uller and Lisandro Milocco, part of the "Evolution and organismal goal-directedness" project, wrote the Open Access Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article, "Utilizing developmental dynamics for evolutionary prediction and control."

May 28
Invited Perspective: Closing the Loop of Nonmonotonicity—from Natural Hormones in Experimental Endocrinology to Endocrine Disruptors in Epidemiology

Ana Sota and Carlos Sonnenschein, part of the "Intrinsic purposiveness and the shaping of development" project, wrote the Open Access Environmental Health Perspectives article, "Invited Perspective: Closing the Loop of Nonmonotonicity - from Natural Hormones in Experimental Endocrinology to Endocrine Disruptors in Epidemiology."

May 23
Equilibrium modeling in economics: a design-based defense

Armin Schulz, coordinator of the "Modeling Agency Formally" projects, wrote the Journal of Economic Methodology article, "Equilibrium modeling in economics: a design-based defense."

May 20
Spontaneous slow wave oscillations in extracellular field potential recordings reflect the alternating dominance of excitation and inhibition

Ingo Bojak, part of the "Mistakes in living systems: a new conceptual framework" project, contributed to the Open Access article "Spontaneous slow wave oscillations in extracellular field potential recordings reflect the alternating dominance of excitation and inhibition" in The Journal of Physiology.