Tom Williams, part of the "Chance versus purpose in the evolution of biospheres" project, contributed to the Open Access Genome Biology and Evolution article, "Cryogenian Origins of Multicellularity in Archaeplastida."
Tom Williams, part of the "Chance versus purpose in the evolution of biospheres" project, contributed to the Open Access Nature Communications article, "Genomics of soil depth niche partitioning in the Thaumarchaeota family Gagatemarchaeaceae."
Ramray Bhat, part of the "Cellular agency in multicellular development and cancer" project, contributed to the Molecular Cancer Research article, "An Endosomal Acid-Regulatory Feedback System Rewires Cytosolic cAMP Metabolism and Drives Tumor Progression."
Lenny Moss, part of the "Cellular agency in multicellular development and cancer" project, wrote the Biological Theory article "Concepts of Agency: Introduction to the Thematic Section."
Pierrick Bourrat, PI of the "Transitions in individuality: from ecology to teleonomy" project, wrote the European Journal for Philosophy of Science article, "Adding causality to the information-theoretic perspective on individuality."