Joanna Masel, PI of the "Universal principles of evolutionary adaptation" project, contributed to the Evolutionary Biology article, "Human deleterious mutation rate implies high fitness variance, with declining mean fitness compensated by rarer beneficial mutations of larger effect."
Harriet Fagerberg, part of the “Putting representations back into goal-directedness” project, published the Philosophical Psychology article, “Brain dysfunction without function.”
Gaëlle Pontarotti, part of the "Open-ended evolution and organizational closure" project, contributed to the "From Exposome to Pathogenic Niche. Looking for an Operational Account of the Environment in Health Studies" chapter in Integrative Approaches in Environmental Health and Exposome Research.
Phi Donoghue, Davide Pisani and Tom Williams, members of the “Chance versus Purpose in the Evolution of Biospheres” project, contributed to the Current Biology article, “Defining eukaryotes to dissect eukaryogenesis.”
Sandra Álvarez-Carretero, part of the “Chance versus purpose in the evolution of biospheres” project, contributed to the Open Access Molecular Biology and Evolution article, “Beginner’s Guide on the Use of PAML to Detect Positive Selection.”