Denis Walsh, coordinator of the Agential Behavior and Plasticity in Evolution projects, contributed to the Open Access Evolution & Development article, “The agential perspective: Countermapping the modern synthesis.”
Jonthan Gibbins, part of the “Mistakes in living systems: a new conceptual framework” project, wrote “Adding fuel to the flames in preeclampsia: the platelet connection” in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
Charlie Cornwallis, part of the “Evolution and Organismal Goal-Directedness: Toward an Explanatory Agenda” project, contributed to the Open Access Nature Ecology & Evolution article, “Symbioses shape feeding niches and diversification across insects.”
Jonathan Gibbins, part of the “Mistakes in living systems: a new conceptual framework” project, contributed to the Open Access Scientific Reports article, “An agent-based approach for modelling and simulation of glycoprotein VI receptor diffusion, localisation and dimerisation in platelet lipid rafts.”