Justin Garson, PI of the “Putting representations back into goal-directedness” project, recently co-authored the Biology & Philosophy article “Sex by design: a new account of the animal sexes.”
Tom Williams, part of the “Chance versus Purpose in the Evolution of Biospheres” project, contributed to the Genome Biology and Evolution article, “On the Origin and Evolution of Microbial Mercury Methylation.”
Davide Pisani, part of the “Chance versus Purpose in the Evolution of Biospheres” project, contributed to the Open Access PLOS One article, “Exploring genome gene content and morphological analysis to test recalcitrant nodes in the animal phylogeny.”
Thomas Reydon, PI of the “Agency and Agential Explanation in the Evolutionary Sciences” project, wrote the Open Access article “The proper role of history in evolutionary explanations” in Noûs.
Tim Lenton, part of the "Chance versus Purpose in the Evolution of Biospheres" project, contributed to the Open Access article, "Universal early warning signals of phase transitions in climate systems" in Journal of the Royal Society Interface.