Philosopher Daniel Nicholson, part of the "Cellular agency in multicellular development and cancer" project, was recently interviewed on the Brain Inspired podcast, available online here.
Jeferson Coutinho and Charbel El-Hani, part of the “An Organizational Account of Ecological Functions” project, contributed to the Open Access article “Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building” in Biology & Philosophy.
Hugh Desmond, part of the “Agency and Explanation in the Evolutionary Sciences” project, wrote “Status Distrust of Scientific Experts” in the August 2022 volume of Social Epistemology.
Tom Williams, part of the “Chance versus Purpose in the Evolution of Biospheres” project, contributed to the Open Access article “Recovery of Lutacidiplasmatales archaeal order genomes suggests convergent evolution in Thermoplasmatota” in Nature Communications.