The "Towards a science of intrinsic purposiveness: organizational theory of ecological functions and its implications for ecological research and environmental ethics" project is seeking a second postdoc. This position requires an interest in the Organizational Approach in the Philosophy of Life Sciences (Moreno & Mossio 2015; Nunes-Neto et al. 2014). One of the main activities will be to build agent-based models to deal with functional traits and groups that contribute to the closure of constraints in ecological systems.
- Deadline: 12 March 2022
- Interviews: via Zoom
- More information, including how to apply, is available here.
There are three weeks left to apply for a place in the "Bordeaux Summer School - Philosophy in biology and medicine" being held 7-10 June 2022. PI Alan Love is one of the course leaders. The school is open to second year Master students, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows from the fields of philosophy, life sciences, and medicine. Participants will learn to use interdisciplinary methods to address conceptual issues in scientific research. The application deadline is 23 March 2022.
Pierrick Bourrat, PI for the “Transitions in individuality: from ecology to teleonomy” project, and his colleague, Peter Takacs, recently authored the paper “Fitness: static or dynamic?” published in the European Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
James DiFrisco, coordinator of the “(Re)Conceptualizing Function and Goal-Directedness” cluster of projects, is one of the editors of a new book in the Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology. Daniel S. Brooks and William C. Wimsatt are co-editors. The book, titled “Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences,” examines “the idea of levels of organization as a distinct object of investigation, considering its merits as a core organizational principle for the scientific image of the natural world. It approaches levels of organization - roughly, the idea that the natural world is segregated into part-whole relationships of increasing spatiotemporal scale and complexity - in terms of its roles in scientific reasoning as a dynamic, open-ended idea capable of performing multiple overlapping functions in distinct empirical settings.”
The postdoctoral fellow will be directly linked to the project coordinated by Professor Charbel El-Hani (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil) and will work under the supervision of Professor Nei Nunes-Neto (Federal University of Grande Dourados, Brazil), linked to his research group at UFGD. The project covers the areas of Epistemology of Science, Ethics and Theoretical and Applied Ecology.
Deadline: March 5, 2022
More information, including how to apply and about Dourados, Brazil, is available here.