Danielle Way, part of the "Geofunctions: Purposes and agents in global environmental sciences" project, contributed to the Science of The Total Environment article, "Is tree planting an effective strategy for climate change mitigation?"
Emilie Snell-Rood, PI of the "‘Function’ in biology and bio-inspired design" project, contributed to the Animal Behavior and Cognition article, "Methods for assessing bee foraging preferences: a short review and a new automated apparatus."
Denis Walsh, coordinator of the "Agential Behavior and Plasticity in Evolution" projects, wrote the Open Access article, "Piaget’s Paradox: Adaptation, Evolution, and Agency" in Human Development.
Charlie Cornwallis, part of the "Evolution and organismal goal-directedness" project, contributed to the Open Access Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences article, "Conflict-reducing innovations in development enable increased multicellular complexity."
Matthieu Barbier, co-PI of the "Open-ended evolution and organizational closure" project, contributed to the Open Access Oikos article, "Linking intrinsic scales of ecological processes to characteristic scales of biodiversity and functioning patterns."