Pierrick Bourrat, PI of the "Transitions in individuality: from ecology to teleonomy" project, wrote, "When local causes are more explanatorily useful" in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Charbel El-Hani, PI of the "An organizational account of ecological functions," contributed to the "Successes and failures in the implementation of design research for the development of an educational innovation in biology" chapter in New Trends in Qualitative Research.
Tilman Glimm, Stuart Newman and Ramray Bhat, all part of the "Cellular agency in multicellular development and cancer" project, contributed to the Mathematical Biosciences article, "A two-galectin network establishes mesenchymal condensation phenotype in limb development."
Gillian Roehrig, part of the "‘Function’ in biology and bio-inspired design" project, contributed to the "A Perspective on Drivers Impacting Science Teacher Preparation in Developing Countries" chapter in Challenges in Science Education.
Katrin Hammerschmidt, part of the "Transitions in individuality: from ecology to teleonomy" project, contributed to the Open Access Nucleic Acids Research article, "Active in vivo translocation of the Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 Casposon."