Tom Williams, part of the “Chance versus Purpose in the Evolution of Biospheres” project, contributed to the “Relative Time Inference Using Lateral Gene Transfers” chapter in Environmental Microbial Evolution.
Alan Love, PI of the Agency, Directionality and Function project, wrote “Reflections on the Study of Biological Agency and its Evolution” in Spontaneous Generations.
J. Arvid Ågren, co-PI of the “Paradox of the organism” project, co-wrote the Current Opinion in Genetics & Development article, “When and why are mitochondria paternally inherited?”
Stefan Linquist, coordinator of the “Higher-Level Agency and Directionality in Ecology and Earth Science” projects, contributed to the Synthese article, “Epigenetic this, epigenetic that: comparing two digital humanities methods for analyzing a slippery scientific term.”
Hugh Desmond and Thomas Reydon are two of the editors of “Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines: Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism.”