Pierrick Bourrat, PI of the "Transitions in individuality: from ecology to teleonomy" project, contributed to the Open Access Oikos article, "What is the price of using the Price equation in ecology?"
Hilton Japyassú, part of the "An Organizational Account of Ecological Functions" project, contributed to the Behavioural Processes article, "Host manipulation by parasites through the lens of Niche Construction Theory."
Tobias Uller and Lisandro Milocco, part of the "Evolution and Organismal Goal-Directedness" project, wrote the Open Access article "A data‐driven framework to model the organism-environment system" in Evolution & Development.
Vidyanand Nanjundiah, part of the "Cellular agency in multicellular development and cancer" project, contributed to the Journal of Biosciences article, "Ultradian rhythms: Life’s dance to the music of time*."
Dmitri Smirnoff, part of the “‘Function’ in biology and bio-inspired design” project, contributed to the Journal of Molluscan Studies article, “When a genus must become two: resurrection of Pelagella Gray, 1850 with the description of six new species.”